Sunday, October 01, 2006
This is a Flickr badge showing public photos from Tim in Limbo. Make your own badge here.
Food for Thought
Travel Companions
Previous Posts
- On the prowl again...
- Sasquatch!
- Mass Transit
- It's a small world, even in NYC.
- Central Park
- A new read on fantasies...
- I've been tagged!
- Has it really been a month?!?
- Another week...
- Whirlwind

wow Tim! I never noticed the striking similarities between you and Chow Yun Fat before. Scary. j/k I wouldn't have picked any of those for you. I'll try mine and see who I get. So glad to see you posting again.
Tim, I'm going to post a comment everyday until you start blogging again. I mean really. I need the reading material. :)
nope, no new post. sad, really sad.
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