Tuesday, April 04, 2006

I've been tagged!

Well, I have been chastised by my wife for not posting...so in an effort to redeem myself I am undergoing the ritual of responding to a "tag." (At least this way I don't have to come up with something on my own to say.)

How did you get the idea for your profile name?
This is where I am - Limbo, and these are my thoughts.
What song are you playing now, or wish you were playing? "She's a Rainbow" by The Stones
Has the death of a celebrity ever made you cry? Not to my knowledge.
What color underwear are you wearing? Green and white plaid.
Do you want a baby? One of these days.
What does your dad do for a living? He is a field engineer for a railroad company.
What does your mum do for a living? She is a high school registrar (basically, she runs the place).
What is/are your pet's name(s)? Pan and Juno
What color are your bed sheets? Caramel (I got that from Suzy)
What was the last concert you went to? The Chieftains
Who was with you? Suzy-Q
What was the last film you watched? City of God - a Brazilian movie, in the style of "Snatch"
Who do you dislike most at this moment? A particular co-worker.
What food do you crave right now? Ribs
What was the last TV show you watched? Seinfeld
What is your fav piece of jewelry? My wedding ring
What is to the left of you? A bottle of Newcastle
What was the last thing you ate? Jumpin' black bean soup.
Who is your best friend of the opposite sex? Suzy-Q (imagine that!)
Where is your significant other right now? On the other computer, working photos from our trip to the Bronx Zoo with the Tudors.
When was the last time you had your hair cut? 3 days ago.
Do you have a history of mental disease? Not that I know of, but isn't that usually the case?
What shirt are you wearing? A green, blue, and white striped oxford.
Are you sexy? You would have to ask my wife that one...
What's your favorite store? Mr. K's (used book store in Johnson City, TN).
Are you thirsty? Not anymore.
Are you married? You better believe it!
Who's someone you haven't seen in a while and miss? Zach - teaching English in Poland and just got married to Viola, his Polish princess.
Where do you work? The Storehouse of World Vision in the South Bronx, NY.

I guess that wasn't too bad...


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