Sunday, March 18, 2007

Changing of the Guard

I knew about it for a while before it actually became official, but my boss at The Storehouse has decided to take another position with a different non-profit in NYC. He will be with us through Easter, but then we're on our own, so to speak. It's kind of strange that just over a year ago I was still getting my World Vision "legs"...trying to make sense of all the acronyms and processes the organization uses. Things have really been moving pretty quickly the past couple of months in our attempts to start new programs and strengthen the ones already operating, but this past week (and the next month or so, it seems) it just kicked into overdrive. My boss was the one who opened up the NYC Storehouse and developed relationships that he is trying to hand over to me. It wouldn't be so bad, but with all the new stuff already on our plate... it's like eating an extra couple of helpings at Thanksgiving when you are already stuffed! If you think my posts have been sparse lately, get ready for a true dry spell...


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