Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Lashing out at Litter Bugs!

Ever since I was in elementary school I have always been sensitive to litter (strange as that sounds). My dad was in the Lion's Club and I used to help them clean up the stretch of Highway 174 they had "adopted." It has always bothered me that people simply throw their trash out the window when it really requires little effort to put it where it belongs. I can recall an incident in East Point when a pickup full of people threw a bag of trash out the window. Momentarily forgetting that I was actually a minority here, I honked my horn and flashed my lights in a helpless attempt to convey my disdain, accomplishing nothing (other than scaring my wife).
Yesterday, another of those incidents ocurred that I can add to the list of acting out against those incessant litter bugs. Since I was at work and had nothing to do (as usual), I did what I always do - get coffee. As I was walking by a car in front of Dunkin' Donuts, someone rolled down their window and threw out a bag of trash, almost hitting me. Before realizing what I was doing, I picked up the trash and threw it back in the car. At first, we exchanged looks of astonishment, both surprised at what I had done. Then they drove off, and I went in to get my coffee. In a place where so many people live co close together, litter just chaps my hide. Oh well, just another day in Yonkers!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This reminds me of the time I gave a ride to a fellow student in Atlanta. He gave a few sly glances at my direction and thinking I wasn't paying attention, apparently, tossed his leftover bag from a recent purchase at a fast food restaurant. It was Wendy's I think. I was infuriated. We were barely friends and this nearly severed any bond the car ride may have provided.
Thanks for your thoughts; I too share your disdain for the litter and her creator, the litterbug!

12:25 PM  

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