I'm still here
Basically this post is just to remind myself that if I don't get into the habit of writing all the time, I am never going to get to the point when I do it on a regular basis. It's not that I don't think about life, the nature of reality, faith, and what I have to do tomorrow - it's just that I don't ever put my thoughts to page as it were. Truth be told, I actually spend quite a bit of time thinking about the aforementioned things and many others as well. Part of me thinks that I just don't want to take the time to write down my own thoughts, but another (and more honest) part of me has a hunch that if I write them down then it means that I have an opinion about the matter (which is accompanied by the fear that this opinion may be wrong). If I am even more honest with myself I will realize that if I don't know my own opinions about things then I cannot even evaluate the situation properly and run the risk of becoming a compeletely ineffectual person who doesn't believe anything about anything, just a person that things happen to. So, in the future there will be less posts about writing and perhaps some actual writing with ideas and conclusions - maybe...
Swing and a miss
It's funny how so much time can go by without realizing or acknowleding the passage of time in reference to other events. Of course one knows that time is clipping along at the usual rate, but the actual accumulation of time between the present and a specific point in the past is often blurred or just beyond grasp. Take for example the many events that have transpired over the past six months since my last entry. It baffles the mind to wake up and realize that I honeslty did start this blog that long ago and have continually found other things to do besides posting to my blog...for six months. Yes, after pledging not only to myself, but to others as well, that I would use this opportunity to collect and articulate my thoughts in this little (un)known corner of cyberspace. It was to be a grand think tank of my forrays into literature, philosophy, theology, and history. Sadly, it has been more of a reflection, nay, embodiment of my acute case of procastination. Being out of school has not even deterred my unending relationship with this age-old plague of the mind and body.
Well, once again I pledge to take a more active role in participating in this little endeavor. I now have the added inspiration of Suzy to follow since she has undertaken the task (and much more enthusiastically I must admit). All of this has precipitated since our recent trip to our "neighbor to the north" to see Becky(Suzy's sister) and Jerry(her husband). Becky has been at this for quite some time as has even gained a little notariety in the Saskatoon area (she was even recognized by someone who reads her blog in Calgary!).
Hopefully this time around things will be a little more involved and perhaps, entertaining!